Now there is something you can do about the #1 killer of dogs, cancer. Most cancers are caught too late, resulting in reduced treatment efficacy.
"Vetabolics is an early warning system, a simple, accurate at-home urine based test that can be done regularly, so your dog can live their life to the fullest." - Veterinary Oncologist

The best way to reduce the mortality rate of cancer in dogs is to catch it much earlier, before cancer has the time to mutate and spread.
You do everything in your power to keep them around as long as possible, from the best food and exercise, to the best healthcare.

By dogs for dogs.
Dogs were instrumental to the Vetabolics discovery. Close to a decade ago it was discovered that dogs could be trained to sniff out cancer in urine. This approach was replicated via AI and is now being used to detect cancer in both humans and dogs. Now your dog can be checked yearly, with a simple, inexpensive at home or at the vet’s office test.
Early Cancer Detection Test - Dog

Frequently Asked Questions
How Does It Work?
Urine is collected by the pet owner at home or at the vet’s office, sent to our lab for analysis, and results are returned to the pet owner.
Is This Test for Specific Breeds?
This screening test is for all breeds, but will initially be offered for specific breeds. We are bringing the test out in stages by adding additional cancers. Certain breeds are more prone to certain cancers, which is the reason we will offer the product as a panel for specific breeds.
How Will This Compliment Other Cancer Screenings?
Typically cancer is detected when there are clinical signs of an illness, using bloodwork, cytology and imaging. But often that screening is not done if there aren't any symptoms, and as such few cancers are caught early. Vetabolics enables inexpensive and simple serial repetitive testing.